SledAlaska is more than just your average clinic trip into the heart of the mountains. Not only will you experience breathtaking views cresting an alpine, but you will have the opportunity to truly test your mettle in some aggressive sea to sky terrain.
From learning to choose the right line, to tips on getting unstuck, we guarantee your experience to be nothing short of epic laughter and smiles. It is our mission to help you understand your riding style and to give you the tools to grow each and everyday you head out.
We offer a Beginner Clinic, Intermediate Clinic, and an Advanced Clinic. All of which focus on different areas of expertise.
Beginner Clinic -- $2100 in January
3 ride days
Brand new Polaris 850 155" rental
Day 1 objective is to go over throttle and brake control, how these can help you and how they can hurt you. Easy tips and tricks for getting unstuck, how to get the sled on edge, and how to maintain that balance/control point.
Day 2 will be a split on the above techniques with a heavier lean towards riding and applying those techniques.
Day 3 will be focused on fun!! Everyone will be pretty sore so we are going to aim at having an amazing third and last day. Using what you now know will allow you access to the most wild and beautiful terrain in all of the world.
Group 1: January 13th, 14th, & 15th -- SOLDOUT
Group 2: January 17th, 18th, & 19th -- SOLDOUT
***50% non-refundable deposit on all purchases***
Required skills for this clinic are being able to hold a side hill and have basic throttle/brake control.
Intermediate Clinic -- $2100 in February
3 ride days
Brand new Polaris 850 155" rental
Day 1 objective is to push your sidehilling skills. We will be focused on how to press the line, gain elevation or abandon the line while maintaining control. The importance of keeping your eyes up so you can change your course on the fly.
Day 2 will be on momentum. Utilizing the control techniques learned on Day 1 but adding momentum to them. This will allow you to build confidence and access higher terrain lines than ever before.
Day 3 will be focused on fun!! Everyone will be pretty sore so we are going to aim at having an amazing third and last day. Using what you now know will allow you access to the most wild and beautiful terrain in all of the world.
Group 1: February 17th, 18th, & 19th -- SOLDOUT
Group 2 February 21st, 22nd, & 23rd -- SOLDOUT
***50% non-refundable deposit on all purchases***
Required for this clinic is being able to sidehill uphill and downhill in control. Complete throttle/brake control of sled at all times. An insane hunger to become even better. Skip leg day before coming to this clinic.
Advanced Clinic -- $2100 in March
3 ride days
Brand new Polaris 850 155" rental
Day 1 objective is hopovers and bowties. We will start in an area that minimizes obstacles, and discuss how different snowpacks/steepness of a hill affects both of these maneuvers. The 155" size is ideal for all around conditions to complete these maneuvers and ride them out.
Day 2 will push you. It's one thing to do a hopover on an open slope, it's another to do it around a tree and gain the higher line, or when to switch from a hopver to a bowtie because there is no higher line. Day 2 is about having situational awareness and implementing these techniques on your day-to-day riding.
Day 3 will be focused on fun!! Everyone will be pretty sore so we are going to aim at having an amazing third and last day. Using what you now know will allow you access to the most wild and beautiful terrain in all of the world.
Group 1: March 10th, 11th, & 12th -- 2 SPOTS REMAINING
Group 2: March 14th, 15th, & 16th -- 4 SPOTS REMAINING
***50% non-refundable deposit on all purchases***
We have partnered with Polaris and bring in brand new Matryx Slash sled rentals every year, that will range from a stock 850 Khaos, the torquey 9r, and the high powered Patriot boost offered by Polaris!!
Pricing -- Starting at..
850 Sleds - $4000.00 per person, per day.
9r Sleds - $450.00 per person, per day.
Turbo Sleds - $450.00 per person, per day.
Head over to the reservation page to secure your ride today!!
***50% non-refundable deposit on all purchases***